Showing posts with label Memoirs of Dr. A. M. Khan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memoirs of Dr. A. M. Khan. Show all posts

Monday 23 March 2020

My Father - The Educator

When I was a child, my father would rock me on his knee
And tell me I was pretty and how much he loved me.
I remember what he said when I was just a few months old.
It’s embedded in my memory, everything I was told.
He told me when I started school I should study hard,
And that I should keep away from all things bad.
I looked forward to his chats when he came home daily.
I guess you know by now I loved my father very dearly.
His talks with me were meaningful and educational.
He was an outstanding and devoted school principal.
I know he was God-fearing as he prayed with us each night.
Always teaching his children to do what is right.
No wonder the Trinidad Government saw it fit,
To send him to the United Kingdom on a Government scholarship,
To pursue studies at the London University Institute of Education.
He graduated with a 580-page thesis, and was given a big promotion.
As District inspector of Schools his performance was outstanding.
Nothing for him in those primitive days were too demanding.
He attained a Doctorate in Education from a Florida University.
He was courageous and brave, not fearing adversity.
All his ten children excelled in various professions.
He was a father with an outstanding reputation.
I was the eighth child in that big loving family.
When I was in banking I compiled his memoirs faithfully.
A few years later I published the book on Amazon.
It gained many five-star reviews and is in demand.
There are lessons to learn by reading this book.
It’s about the life of a man whom we should not overlook.



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