Friday, 10 January 2020

A SPARK OF HOPE {VOLUME TWO] bringing hope to Potential Suicide Victims.

A SPARK OF HOPE: AN ANTHOLOGY FOR SAVING LIVES Volume I, was published on February 2nd, 2019. It was a joint effort by Facebook Groups How to Write for Success, Motivational Strips, and other affiliated groups. All the forums have as their mission SUICIDE PREVENTION.
The project was initiated by a very caring author and Administrator of How to Write for Success, Narendra Rajkumar from Trinidad and Tobago. 
Authors Destinyy Lightt Speakss of India, Sabrina Young from the USA, and Poetess Farhana Sait of India were willing and ready to assist Narendra in making his idea a reality to produce this Anthology.
When they approached me to use the Group How to Write for Success, which I founded, to attract writers to contribute poems for this venture I readily agreed.

We obtained the blessings of Shiju H. Pallithazheth, the Founder of Motivational Strips and Chancellor of Motivational Strips Academy of Literary Excellence and Wisdom., and he took the time to contribute to this endeavor.

When I read that the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds, and it is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds, I said we must use our literary skills to prevent this.

It was the hope and prayer of writers of Motivational Strips, How to Write for Success, and affiliated Groups, that the poems would rekindle the will to live and enjoy life regardless of the challenges potential suicide victims would have encountered.
If our writings could help to save persons from taking their own lives, we would feel indeed gratified.

However, the publisher of the original book. Dr. Julia Antoine, God rest her soul, passed away two months after publishing it.
We tried to retrieve it from her Author Page where she published it, but Amazon did not allow it, and we had no choice but to republish with a new cover.

Because of the many reports we received stating that the book did indeed save many lives, we established a new group 'Poems for Suicide Prevention'  to collect more poems to publish Volume 2 of the book. 
A targeted publishing date of April 2020 has been set.

We do not intend to stop in our efforts to prevent suicide.
Every one of us will encounter challenges in our lives that may appear insurmountable.
You will be stronger and better for having faced challenges head-on and persevered.

.When life seems a puzzle and you feel let down,

Tried your best but cannot turn your life around.

You feel life is not worthwhile and you want to exit.

It’s when things look worst you should not quit.

Life is filled with many twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns.

Achievement of your goals may be closer than you think.

Control your emotions and don’t fall off the brink.

We extend hearty congratulations to all authors who are supporting this venture, the hard-working team who are making it possible, and to all other Admin members who are working behind the scenes to promote the project wholeheartedly, and whose names are not mentioned here.

Shiju H Pallithazheth        - Founder of Motivational Strips

Narendra Rajkumar         - Administrator - How to Write for Success - Project Concept

Farhan Sait                     - Administrator- How to Write for Success - Assistant Editor

Destinyy Lightt Speakks  -  Global PR Motivational Strips - Cover Designer

Brenda Mohammed        -   Founder of How to Write for Success - Editor/Publisher

Brenda Mohammed

Founder of How to Write for Success Group.
Founder of Poems for Suicide Prevention
Founder of How to Write for Success Library
Vice-Chancellor of Motivational Strips Academy of
Literary Excellence and Wisdom

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